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Effective Speaking at Work (Paperback)


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책 정보

출판사 Independently Published
저자 Milton Jamison
판형 Paperback
ISBN-13 9798743169320
발행일 2021/04/23
언어 eng
무게 (LB) 0.37

주제 분류

  • Books > Business & Economics > Total Quality Management

책 소개

Currently, the average employee spends 17.5 hours a week dealing with communication issues. This equals $5,246 per year, per employee. For a company with 100 employees, this is $500,000 in lack of productivity.

Communication in the workplace involves much more than simply conversing. Sixty percent of companies lack an internal communication plan, claims a Workforce study. Knowing the basic rules of communication is crucial to every conversation you have. No matter what your personal or professional role is in life, you must be able to adjust your words in a way that works best for you and the particular employee you are communicating with.

Effective Speaking at Work includes the following eight successful work communication chapters:

  1. Basic Communication
  2. How To Talk To Anyone About Anything
  3. Effective Communication For Strong Working Relationships

  4. Effective Communication For Morale
  5. Effective Communication For Productivity
  6. Effective Communication for Online Work
  7. Effective Communication for Company Growth
  8. Effective Communication for Stellar Management

Your word choice, and the way you choose to deliver your words through verbal and nonverbal communication, can be adapted to meet the needs of each new hire, happy or disgruntled employee, owner, department manager and even a partner, old friend in-law and more. That's the beauty of communication.

Quality workplace correspondence relies on a variety of factors, the most important being:

● Accuracy

● Employee Engagement

● Sufficient Information

Because we assume these facets of a message are easy to convey, we usually end up creating a lot of misunderstandings. The original reason why people communicated was to make their needs known. While time has changed, rearranged, expanded, and even confused this process, somewhere, at the bottom of each word we communicate is still to make our needs known, even in the workplace.

Developing a winning communication style does not mean you have to memorize catchy phrases or quotes from great orators. Basic communication means assessing your current style of workplace communication, understanding the tried and true basics of sending and receiving messages, then adjusting the way you deliver your messages at work. Once you do this, you will have:

● More Influence

● More Trust

● More Understanding

● More Satisfaction

● Less Conflict

Effective Speaking at Work guides good communicators to become great communicators at work and beyond. Effective Speaking at Work guides you on how to talk to anyone about anything. Also included is information on how to express yourself safely in an ever-changing world of challenging communication because what we say does matter.

The benefits that come from stellar workplace communication skills are limitless. And this isn't because the focus is on you. This is because you have put your focus on others. Through this process, you will receive more joy in each workday that ends up creating more joy in your life and the lives of those around you. So, let's get started by being the next person to purchase Effective Speaking at Work. Thank you for doing so. You won't be disappointed!

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