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The Conscious Planet (Paperback)


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책 정보

출판사 Trine Day
저자 Neil M Pine
판형 Paperback
ISBN-10 163424432X
ISBN-13 9781634244329
발행일 2024/01/22
언어 eng
무게 (LB) 0.8

주제 분류

  • Books > Science > Global Warming & Climate Change

책 소개

The Conscious Planet represents the prerequisite for the future of humanity! It's a powerful polemic against all things wrong with our modern western culture. This salient and cutting-edge vision of reality projects way out beyond the horizon. All of this critically important information (while formally being highly controversial and provocative subjects), is now all coming to fruition with more public concern and awareness than ever. The truth about pandemics & vaccine horror! Meat recalls and dangerous zoonotic diseases. Extreme weather and climate change. Nuclear power dangers, GMOs, and the nefarious bee killing and cancer-causing herbicides from Monsanto, rainforest destruction, drought, famine, and endangered species, including bees! It's everything the government, and the multinational corporations that control it, don't want you to know. Furthermore, The Conscious Planet exposes a legacy of demagoguery and corporate plutocracy used by our politicians and big industry to cover up the truth about environmental negligence by mitigating or eschewing the facts (Refer to chapter 4 "Peace and Prosperity" ).Over the years, the truth has become obscured by a maelstrom of this mass government and corporate subreption. I also published an article in the Spring of 2010 in Vision Magazine, warning people about the dangers of nuclear power. Contingent upon this article, just one month later, I gave a 20 min speech about non sustainable practices at the University of California, in Riverside and received an Eco Hero Award. And only 1 year later we experienced the worst nuclear disaster in history at Fukushima Japan! (Refer to chapter "The Insidious Nature of Nuclear Power"). This goes way beyond any self-help book. Not only does this information improve your health and psychology, but it will also dramatically reduce your carbon footprint, thus ameliorating all external environment factors surrounding you, making the world a better place for everyone. No other book presents such a dynamic and broad spectrum of subjects and neatly ties them in all together. Animal agriculture represents the most significant factor in the destruction of our planet due to man's ongoing greed and lust for dead flesh. Eating meat is not only terrible for the environment and your health, but it also patronizes evil and inhumane, Auschwitz style slaughterhouse conditions. "Does something have to die in order for you to live?" You have to be some kind of a prima donna to think so. There is a certain pride in knowing that you can live and thrive while not destroying the environment or killing other living creatures. Once you realize this inner truth an enormous burden of guilt may be lifted off your shoulders. Now you are truly living in harmony with nature and you may begin to feel an illumination of spirit. Living without this cycle of death we automatically become more humane, and therefore more human:
More Humane ... Less Beastly, More Compassionate ... Less Barbaric, More Gentle ... Less Brutal, More Assertive ... Less Aggressive, More Ethical ... Less Deceitful

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